During the 14th century, the Bubonic Plague or Black Death swept through Europe killing millions, historians believe between 30%-60% percent of the population was wiped out by this vicious and mysterious disease. The exception to this rule, the people who didn’t seem to be affected was the bad guys in the form of grave robbing thieves. These people actively handled the dead and dying while stealing their valuables.
It was later discovered these scum actually came up with a “green” or natural method to avoid catching a disease that was killing people left and right through the use of Essential Oils. This great discovery was called Thieves Oil.
About This Image
Lacking a bubonic plague vaccine, items such as this primitive gas mask in the shape of a bird’s beak were invented. A common belief at the time was that the plague was spread by birds. It was thought that by dressing in a bird-like mask, the wearer could draw the plague away from the patient and onto the garment the plague doctor wore. The mask also included red glass eyepieces, which were thought to make the wearer impervious to evil. The beak of the mask was often filled with strongly aromatic herbs and spices to overpower the miasmas or “bad air” which was also thought to carry the plague. At the very least, it may have served a dual purpose, also dulling the smell of unburied corpses, sputum, and ruptured bouboules in plague victims. Image Source:
What is an essential oil and what does it have to do with prepping?
An essential oil, a non-synthetic essential oil is sourced from things such as bark, flowers, plant roots, and seed stems. These oils are extracted through methods such as pressings or steam distillation. These are natural items from the earth, not a lab.
RECOMMENDED: History of the Bubonic Plague & Black Death
As part of a preppers overall plan, essential oils can be used to treat things such as bleeding, blisters, sprains, and my favorite, toothaches ( oil of cloves). These essential oils are fairly inexpensive, have a fairly long shelf life, and take up little space, part of my Bug out Bag Plan includes carrying small vials of these precious oils.
My Basic Essential Oil List
- Chamomile – Calming, Inflammation, Throat Infections, Calms Children Helps Treat PMS (in a disaster you’ll be hunkered together for awhile)
- Cinnamon– Arthritis, Inflammation, General Pain Relief, Calms & Relieves Tension (perfect for weathering the storm)
- Citronella- Antiseptic, Cleanses Sick Rooms, Keeps the Bugs Away (the Bubonic Plague was spread by fleas)
- Clove– Bruises, Burns, Cuts, Infections Great for Tooth Aches
- Eucalyptus– Coughs, Throat Infections, Expectorant, Relieves Muscle Aches
- Geranium- Burns, Cuts, Lice, Ring Worms, Mosquito repellant
- Ginger- Bruises, Chills, Cuts, Diarrhea, Inflammation, Nausea Lavender- Asthma, Anti-Inflammatory), Headaches Colds, Nausea, Sunburn, Relieves Tension & Hysteria (friends of disaster)
- Lemon-Cramps, Calms & Relieves Indigestion, Promotes general well being
- Lemongrass-Fever, Indigestion, Respiratory Infections, Insect Repellent
- Peppermint-Inflammation, Ringworm, Scabies, Sunburn
- Rosemary-Diuretic, Gout, Headaches, Inflammation, Migraines
- Tea Tree-infections caused by Bacteria, Fungi & Viruses
- Thyme-Boosts Immune System, Colds & Coughs, Gout, Inflammation
What is Thieves oil?
Thieves’ oil simply is a mixture of natural, readily available, natural essential oils. This combination of oils rubbed on a thief made quick work of the bacteria that caused the plague and allowed the relatively safe handling of Black Death victims.
This blend allowed a group of thieves and hustlers to flourish and prosper by ripping off the dying or digging up and plundering the shallow graves of the recently deceased.
From my basic essential oil list, I was able to craft my own blend and save over the commercially prepared mixtures you see on the market today.
Thieves Oil Recipe
- 58 drops cinnamon essential oil
- 72 drops clove essential oil
- 48 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 72 drops lemon essential oil
- 48 drops rosemary essential oil
This is one example of the efficacy of essential oils and their place in your prep kit. A word of advice when purchasing essential oils for survival or aromatherapy purposes, choose oils that are pure and therapeutic grade.
Personal Anecdote:
This time of the year my bottle of Thieves Oil finds itself on my desk at work. When the coughing starts around me.
I use it as a shield of sorts. I open the bottle and allow the fragrance to fill my cubicle. While there’s no science to my method, I seem to be the only person not sick in a sea of coughing.
Do not apply this oil directly to your body.
You will need to add this blend to at least ¼ cup of carrier oil such as apricot or jojoba.
Please remember, my recommendations are based on personal experience and should be researched further to meet your personal needs.
Many oil salesmen will offer oils cut with carriers oils such as Apricot, Coconut or Jojoba oils. These oils aren’t necessarily bad but they aren’t appropriate for your purposes. It’s better to create your oil combinations from your pure basic kit. You will know exactly what’s in it and you will achieve your desired results.
The Bubonic Plague example I used to tout the virtues of essential oils as it relates to prepping may be extreme. The possibility of a pandemic of this nature is remote but possible. As preppers, we’re getting ready for just about anything.
Whatever disaster we’re preparing for, our space is very limited. I subscribe to Food Networks Alton Brown’s philosophy (he tends to choose cooking equipment that does more than one thing) in that I want gear that can fill multiple roles.
Essential oils do that and more.